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 THE 6O'S { aka hey old friend let's look back to the crazy clothes we wore

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Ignez M. Collins
Admin « . Dance Dance all day .
Ignez M. Collins

Nombre de messages : 428
Age : 31
Localisation : Baltimore (L)
your true colors : THE 6O'S { aka hey old friend let's look back to the crazy clothes we wore Mcc7py
Pseudo/prénom : Gejube (:
Date d'inscription : 21/04/2008

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YOur RelatiOns_#:
THE 6O'S { aka hey old friend let's look back to the crazy clothes we wore Left_bar_bleue100/100THE 6O'S { aka hey old friend let's look back to the crazy clothes we wore Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Phrase fétiches_#: watch me FLYYYY . * show off *

THE 6O'S { aka hey old friend let's look back to the crazy clothes we wore Empty
MessageSujet: THE 6O'S { aka hey old friend let's look back to the crazy clothes we wore   THE 6O'S { aka hey old friend let's look back to the crazy clothes we wore EmptyJeu 17 Sep - 0:41

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